Current Issue

Volume: 16 Issue: 4, 1/4/25

Year: 2024

International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS) is a research journal in English published by the Akdeniz University. The objective of this journal is to communicate recent and projected advances in engineering and applied sciences. Purely theoretical and purely experimental papers with no application are discouraged.

The journal presents its readers with broad coverage across some branches of engineering and science of the latest development and application of new solution algorithms, soft computing and artificial intelligent methods, innovative numerical methods and/or solution techniques directed at the utilization of computational methods in solid  and nano-scaled mechanics.

International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS) is a refereed international journal whose focus is on application of the numerical and artificial intelligent methods in solid  and nano mechanics. This Journal is published four times per year.

Submissions are accepted for double blind peer review. All manuscripts will undergo the refereeing process; acceptance for publication is based on two positive reviews.

All submissions will be scanned by iThenticate® to prevent plagiarism. 

The journal publishes research papers, communications, technical notes and review papers. Authors are welcome, at any time, to address questions to the Editor in Chief, IJEAS.

The Journal does not charge any article submission or processing charges.

IJEAS allows readers  to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles.

Creative Commons License

  • Civil Engineering: numerical modelling of structures, seismic evaluation, experimental testing, construction and management, geotechnical engineering, water resources management, groundwater modelling, coastal zone modelling, offshore structures, water processes, desalination, waste-water treatment, pavement and maintenance, transport and traffic, laser scanning, and hydrographic surveying, numerical methods in solid mechanics, nanomechanic and applications, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), vibration problems in engineering, higher order elasticity (strain gradient, couple stress, surface elasticity, nonlocal elasticity)

    Electrical Engineering: artificial and machine intelligence and robotics, automatic control, bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, communications, computer engineering and networks, systems security and data encryption, electric power engineering and drives, embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoT), microwaves and optics.

    Engineering Mathematics and Physics:
    computational and stochastic methods, optimization, nonlinear dynamics, modelling and simulation, computer science, solid state physics and electronics, computational electromagnetics, biophysics, atomic and molecular physics, thermodynamics, geophysical fluid dynamics, wave mechanics, and solid mechanics.

    Mechanical Engineering: machine design, materials science, mechanics of materials, manufacturing engineering and technology, dynamics, robotics, control, industrial engineering, ergonomics, energy, combustion, heat transfer, fluids mechanics, thermodynamics, turbo machinery, aerospace research, aerodynamics, and propulsion.

International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences accepts original articles in the fields of engineering and applied sciences. IJEAS covers research in Applied Sciences, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, and Applied Mathematics is also accepted. Manuscripts should be prepared using the word processing software Microsoft Word. The general appearance of the manuscript should be as follows. Contributions are classified as research papers, Technical notes and review articles. Research papers should be a record of original research and approximately 18 pages in length. Short communications should be no longer than 10 pages. Review articles are also published but normally only on invitation. Interested authors should consult the Editor before preparation of such articles. Only work not previously published will ordinarily be accepted. If any tables or illustrations have been published elsewhere, it is the author’s responsibility to secure the necessary permission from the original publisher. Each manuscript must also be accompanied by a cover letter. All manuscript will be double blind peer reviewed and scanned by iThenticate® to prevent plagiarism.

  1. Title should be short but informative, centered, bold, and in capital letters with letter size 12 pt Times New Roman fonts.
  2. Name(s) of the author(s) should be given three lines below the title, centered, italic, lower case, and size 12 pt. Full addresses of the authors should be given.
  3. Abstract should be given two lines below the authors name(s) without any indents, size 10 pt. The paragraph should begin with Abstract and should not exceed 200 words highlighting the main points of the manuscript. Keywords should be given one line below the abstract without any indents; size 10 pt. Maximum 5 keywords should be given.
  4. Manuscripts should be typed in single column format on one side of the paper (A4) with a 2.5 cm. margin for all sides, 12 pt Times New Roman font and one line spacing. Manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages including tables, figures and references. The manuscript includes the figures and tables.
  5. All sections and subsections should be numbered.
  6. Tables and figures should be prepared in related computer software(s) and others should be drawn according to technical drawing rules. Tables should be numbered and placed on the corresponding table. Figures should be numbered and placed under the corresponding figure. Description of the figures should be given one line under the figure caption. All figures and tables must be cited in the text. Figures and Tables must be incorporated into the main text. Figures and Tables including captions must be given in the manuscript as embedded.
  7. Equations should appear centered and their numbers should appear flushed right in parentheses. A blank line should be left before and after the equation line.
  8. Units should be metric and follow SI convention.
  9. Citations within the body of a paper are given as Arabic numerals.  These numerals are of the same type size and font as the text material; the numerals are enclosed in brackets [ ]; and the numerals precede any text-related punctuation that may appear.  Multiple references are given within a single set of brackets. The following are examples of reference citations that conform to the IJEAS style:


[1] Reddy, J.N., Energy Principles and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons,  2nd Edition, 2002


[2] Wei, G.W., Zhao, Y.B.  and  Xiang, Y., Discrete singular convolution and its application to the analysis of plates with internal supports,  I Theory and algorithm.  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 55, 913-946, 2002.


[3] Viola, E.,  Tornabene, F., Ferretti, E., Fantuzzi, N., Soft core plane state structures under static loads using GDQFEM and Cell Method, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2013), Seattle, USA, 24-28 May 2013.


[4] Cookson, A.H., Particle Trap for Compressed Gas Insulated Transmission Systems, 1985, US Patent 4554399.

Clearly indicate who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including post-publication. On the manuscript, the corresponding author should be identified by an asterisk and footnote. Ensure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address.

The editors welcome your opinions & comments on, your contributions to, and subscription of the journals from all over the world.

Please use our Word Template File for manuscript style.

We accept only submits from Dergipark, click to the link below to submit papers;

Duties and Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors
• Original papers are published. Originality has been defined in the Publication Principles.
• The work reported by the manuscripts should comply with the principles of research ethics.
• Manuscripts should be free of conflicts of interest. Unclear cases should be honestly declared.
• Authors should be prepared to present the raw data to the Editorial Board, if requested.
• A work under evaluation by another journal cannot be submitted to IJEAS .
• Persons who made no intellectual contribution to the work cannot appear as authors.
• Consents are needed of the persons who made intellectual contribution, if they are not authors.
• Once the manuscript is submitted to IJEAS , author names cannot be added or removed.
• Unethical conduct leads to rejection and future manuscripts by its authors are not accepted.

• All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

Duties and Ethical Responsibilities of the Reviewers
• The reviewer should decline the request unless he/she is fully confident of his/her expertise.
• Should perform the review in full impartiality and confidentiality and without prejudice.
• Should inform the area editor of any indications of conflict of interest or unethical conduct.
• Should adopt a constructive approach and use a careful language not to offend the authors.
• Should carefully observe the review time table specified.

Duties and Ethical Responsibilities of the Area Editors
• Area editors carefully observe the publication principles and procedures of IJEAS .
• Carefully consider the expertise, competence and experience of the reviewers they propose.
• Help the authors and reviewers by providing guidance whenever needed.
• Evaluate the reviewer reports with scientific accuracy and impartiality.

Duties and Ethical Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
• The Editorial Board reviews the publication principles considering the changing demands.
• Carefully considers the expertise, competence and experience of the reviewers it appoints.
• Continuously observes and directs the review progress, appoints new reviewers if needed.
• Takes accept/decline decisions with accuracy and impartiality considering area editor reports.
• Takes decisions concerning ethical questions and unusual requests.

The Journal does not charge any article submission or processing charges.

IJEAS allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles.

IJEAS is a completely free, open access scientific journal